PTS: Blog
NJ Technology Council – Data Center Summit
The afternoon panel entitled Data Center Options – Deployment Challenges – Solutions brings IT leaders from different industries together to share their data center experiences from due diligence to deployment. Solutions providers will offer examples of client objectives and services provided. The goal of this panel is to help you sort through identifying your data storage needs and the options and solutions that can help you achieve maximum return. If you are battling an IT deployment or storage problem, PTS can help you through our IT Solutions Group. We have a team of engineering experts including network and systems architects, server and storage engineers, virtualization engineers, and other IT-focused technical staff.
- C-level executives (CEO / CIO / COO / CFO / CTO)
- Data Center Facilities Managers and Engineers, IT and Infrastructure Managers, Data Center Managers
- Directors and Consultants, IT Directors, Infrastructure Directors, IT Consultants
- Business Analysts, Finance Directors & Managers
When: December 13, 2012, from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM