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Data Center Dynamics

The Key to Cutting Data Center Construction Costs? Use Minimal Infrastructure

The average enterprise data center costs between $10 million and $12 million per megawatt to build, with costs typically front-loaded onto the first few megawatts of deployment. What’s more, the typical edge data center costs between $8 million and $9 million.

And if data center builders want to keep a lid on ever-rising costs, they need to keep the installation of supporting infrastructure to a minimum from the outset.

That’s the advice of seasoned data center builder Peter Sacco, founder and CEO of PTS Data Center Solutions, who claims that it is possible to drive down costs by around 25 per cent or more, simply by being more disciplined on design.

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What’s the problem with conventional design? The problem is that the cost per square foot is front-loaded

Pete Sacco, President
PTS Data Center Solutions